41 frågor, en personlighet

Tyckte den prickade in rätt bra..


Your personality type:

Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Do not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. Extremely well-developed senses, and aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible and open-minded. Likely to be original and creative. Enjoy the present moment.

Careers that could fit you includes:

Artists, musicians, composers, designers, child care workers, social workers, counselers, teachers, veterinarians, forest rangers, naturalists, bookkeepers, carpenters, personal service workers, clerical supervisors, secretaries, dental and medical staffers, waiters and waitresses, chefs, nurses, mechanics, physical therapists, x-ray technicians.

Postat av: Hans

Your personality type:
Practical, traditional, and organized. Likely to be athletic. Not interested in theory or abstraction unless they see the practical application. Have clear visions of the way things should be. Loyal and hard-working. Like to be in charge. Exceptionally capable in organizing and running activities. 'Good citizens' who value security and peaceful living.
Careers that could fit you includes:
Military, business administrators, managers, police/detective work, judges, financial officers, teachers, sales representatives, government workers, insurance agents, underwriters, nursing administrators, trade and technical teachers, mafia dons.

2007-06-21 @ 13:46:54
Postat av: Jocke

Tobbe ska bli skogvaktare! =D

2007-06-21 @ 21:20:58
Postat av: Sara S

Så här blev mitt resultat i det här tester. Stämmer till ganska stor del, fast med tanke på min något "dubbla" personlighet så hade motsatsen också stämt. Undrar vad Freud hade sagt om det...
"Popular and sensitive, with outstanding people skills. Externally focused, with real concern for how others think and feel. Usually dislike being alone. They see everything from the human angle, and dislike impersonal analysis. Very effective at managing people issues, and leading group discussions. Interested in serving others, and probably place the needs of others over their own needs.
Careers that could fit includes:
Teachers, consultants, psychiatrists, social workers, counselers, clergy, sales representative, human resources, managers, events coordinators, politicians, diplomats, writers, actors, designers, homemakers, musicians, religious workers, writers."

2007-06-22 @ 10:08:46
URL: http://soderstjerna.blogg.se
Postat av: Jocke

Och själv ska jag bli hitman.
Your personality type:
Quiet and reserved, interested in how and why things work. Excellent skills with mechanical things. Risk-takers who they live for the moment. Usually interested in and talented at extreme sports. Uncomplicated in their desires. Loyal to their peers and to their internal value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting something done. Detached and analytical, they excel at finding solutions to practical problems.
Careers that could fit you includes:
Police, detectives, forensic pathologists, computer programmers, system analysts, computer specialists, engineers, carpenters, mechanics, pilots, drivers, athletes, entrepreneurs, firefighters, paramedics, construction workers, dental hygienists, electrical engineers, farmers, military, probation officers, steelworkers, transportation operatives, hitmen.

2007-06-25 @ 17:56:46
Postat av: Tobbe

I'm a lumberjack...
Jocke, bonde ligger väl en aning närmre om man säger så... :)

2007-06-26 @ 08:09:32

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